• The Ómra Coffee team at their roastery in Northern Ireland.
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From Humble Beginnings to a Shared Vision

We want to introduce Ómra with a bit of backstory to help explain why we started all of this in the first place.

Our story began with a building... an unconventional start for a coffee venture, but for us, it was a very personal commitment to a space we love.

This building was once home to our parents (originally our Grandfathers) family owned and operated pharmacy. A space my brothers and I spent countless hours in growing up, a spot where locals would come for their prescriptions, share a smile, and promise to "see you again soon".

However, as times changed, the pharmacy was sold, and the local economy felt the ripple effects of the pandemic, the building stood silent and the familiar interactions faded.

So, you can see why it became such a personal mission for us. While we are definitely biased - the building had so much potential and it needed a new purpose.

The Start of an Idea

We love coffee. We love how it tastes, makes us feel, how complex it is, the people, traditions, and innovations within the industry.

But more importantly, we believe in its unique ability to bring people together, to spark conversations and create connections. While coffee wasn't the original driving force behind our dream, it became the catalyst that made our vision real and tangible.

We believe this building, combined with great coffee, is the perfect place for these connections to happen—a laugh with an old friend, the excitement of a first date, or the comfort of a quiet moment after a long week.

The Building

Taking the First Step

Reality truly kicked in at this point. We quickly realised that turning this dream into reality would require time, patience, and financial resources beyond our means.

Undeterred by the challenges that lay ahead, we made the decision to start small and focus on what we could achieve with the resources at hand. That's when the idea for our specialty coffee roasting company was born.

By starting with the roasting side of the business, we were able to generate income and lay the foundation for our future endeavours.

Roasting coffee provided us with the opportunity to get some 'skin in the game' and while it was a steep learning curve, it allowed us to get up and running!

The Roastery

The Birth of Ómra Coffee

While the dream of opening our cafe remains at the forefront of our minds, we understand that Rome wasn't built in a day.

Instead of rushing into things, we've chosen to take a more measured approach—a phased approach that allows us to grow and evolve at our own pace. The honest reality for us is that it has taken years to get to this point.

However, every bag of coffee we roast and sell brings us one step closer to realising our vision. With each passing day, we're reinvesting the profits back into the business—into the building that holds so much history and promise.

Our Coffee